Polyamorous Foundations

“I realized what I thought were just crushes on my friends… resonated with the polyamory community too.” . . . Sex ed growing up? “oh ho ho shit. So inadequate” says Wren. Promptly after asking for their sex education background Wren recounted sitting through a fifth-grade sex ed day in which the teachers separated kidsContinueContinue reading “Polyamorous Foundations”

The Ugly Truth — TW & CW: Abuse

Sam has shared their experiences around sex ed in-depth with me, even though there wasn’t very much to share. Sam’s sex ed was similar to all my interviewees, who occurred in middle to high school, had no queer education, and they mostly gathered other info via the internet. They had a great group of friends in which they confirmed all findings with, but even then, they felt it wasn’t enough. For years Sam struggled with their identity and sexuality, never allowing themselves to process what it would be like to not be cis or het.

No Wanking Way: Masturbation and Shame

Early discussions on masturbation were common for men– they were acceptable. But when it came to women, it was seen as a sin, a symptom, and/or a disease. Ingrained in our society was the idea that masturbation is only acceptable at the hands of men.

Norwegian Sexcapade

“It ended up just being me, the Grindr guy, and his very attractive friend.” . . . This week’s interview centers my friend, “Whorechata, ” who kept it short and entertaining. Just as fun as his pseudo-name and introduction picture, Whorechata is a vibrant nature enthusiast, who strives to open his own social plant shop.ContinueContinue reading “Norwegian Sexcapade”