
Letter from the Editor

By: Akshita Gandra

February 3, 2019

In the book Wired for Story, Lisa Cron discusses the recent discoveries in neuroscience research that explain how the human mind has evolved to crave storytelling as a means of living vicariously, absorbing knowledge, and enhancing our emotional responses. We’ve learned, as a species, to value the art of telling a story. 

In other words, creative endeavors have always been central to our survival as well as fulfilling to our souls.

REVIVAL launches with the simple goal of encouraging you — our readers, fellow students, and creative human minds — to broaden your perspectives while sharing your thoughts and using your voice. Not only do we urge you to share your respectful, inclusive opinions regarding current events or social, political, cultural, and activist issues, but we also strive to give you an opportunity to express yourself through discussing your unique experiences.

REVIVAL embodies the rebelliousness that the 1960’s were known for — questioning what we have previously accepted, openly discussing our unique views,  and calling out the significant issues that matter in our society today. I personally fell in love with writing and art when I was much younger, with the stunning effect it can have on our emotions/worldview and its unique beauty, and so REVIVAL emerged as a crude idea from my mind during a 2AM shower (it’s very cliche, what can I say?) The goal was to create a zine that meets the creative, expressive, and educational needs that other publications don’t currently offer together.

Our team is excited to bring you this open, colorful space where you are supported in learning about your community, delve deep within the confines of your creativity, and truly feel represented through self-expression.

We’re excited to have you here. Welcome to The REVIVAL.